As a dog lover and a lover of photography, what more could have drawn me to Elliott Erwitt's studio? The man had been hounded by me for months since I started this blog, and we finally met up one fine day in January. The girls and I sauntered up to the Upper West Side to join Elliott walking down Central Park West. He wanted to sit a bit, get to see the dogs and let them sniff him before we went on our loop that ended up at his studio. A few stories were told and I must have passed muster, as I was invited upstairs for a delicious espresso that he made me.
As he tells it in his book DOG DOGS by Phaidon (1988), "I am a professional photographer by trade and an amateur photographer by vocation. Most of the time when I am out of the house, I carry a small unobtrusive camera and I snap away obsessively at things that interest me, and whatever I think would make a good picture. Until recently, I have never ever especially set out to take dog pictures, but somehow dogs appeared in large numbers on my contact sheets. A few years back, while looking through my inventory of pictures to assemble a retrospective book and exhibition of random photographs taken on my travels, I was surprised by the preponderance of dogs. Obviously my sympathy for the creatures was deeper than I imagined." A magical visit indeed.