
Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in travel, style, and food. Hope you have a nice stay!

The Beitels love their rescue dogs

The Beitels love their rescue dogs

Alex, Eliza and Olive the dog

Alex, Eliza and Olive the dog

Olive and Rufus

Olive and Rufus

Rufus with a pink leash from Pelcor

Rufus with a pink leash from Pelcor

Home Sweet Home

Home Sweet Home

What a fun day shooting with Howie Guja in Bellport last week and here is a story of a gorgeous rescue dog Rufus as told by my dear friend Alexandra Beitel, "Rufus, otherwise known as Woofus came into our lives almost 3 1/2 years ago.  We felt it was time for our 13 year-old, obstreperous Jack Russell, Olive, to have a sibling.

John, Alex and Eliza and their two rescue dogs Olive and Rufus

John, Alex and Eliza and their two rescue dogs Olive and Rufus

Elena SanGabinao, a beautiful, loving friend and Rufus’ foster mom, called and said "I have the dog for you!"  She described Rufus' temperament as gentle, affectionate, goofy and sweet.  We coordinated a meet and greet and, needless to say, our entire family fell in love.  Rufus amuses and beguiles everyone with his charm and lack of modesty as he instantly rolls over and exposes his freckled belly trustingly.

He brightens our home, melts our hearts, makes us laugh and by the way....Olive is smitten!"

Rufus hails from an amazing rescue organization called GIMME SHELTER Animal Rescue located in Sagaponack, NY which was founded my Michelle Neufeld Montak.  She works tirelessly in bringing animals in high kill shelters up to NY to have them fostered and adopted.  Michelle is hosting her annual fundraiser on July 23rd at the home of Ellen and Chuck Scarborough. Purchase your tickets here.

We all know how obsessed Mrs. Sizzle is with a dog in a car and Jenny Risher's photos fit the bill

We all know how obsessed Mrs. Sizzle is with a dog in a car and Jenny Risher's photos fit the bill

Mervin the Chihuahua has 2 Dads and 4 siblings

Mervin the Chihuahua has 2 Dads and 4 siblings