
Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in travel, style, and food. Hope you have a nice stay!

Mrs. Sizzle loves a dog in a sweater

Edie and Clair in Ruby Rufus

Edie and Clair in Ruby Rufus

Beau, Gus, Edie, and Clair in Canine Styles

Beau, Gus, Edie, and Clair in Canine Styles

Clair and Edie in Dusan Dusan

Clair and Edie in Dusan Dusan

Clair and Edie in Mungo and Maud, a gift to Edie and Clair

Clair and Edie in Mungo and Maud, a gift to Edie and Clair

Tulip in Ruby Rufus, a gift from the company.

Tulip in Ruby Rufus, a gift from the company.

Penny Pollack wears Mr. Soft Top

Penny Pollack wears Mr. Soft Top

Missy, up for adoption at Brookhaven Animal Shelter  in Canine Styles

Missy, up for adoption at Brookhaven Animal Shelter  in Canine Styles

Dogs need a little extra fur sometimes so here are some great ideas of ways to keep them warm. Mungo and Maud, Ruby Rufus and Mr. Soft Top let Mrs. Sizzle test drive and keep the sweaters. Lucky us! We pulled in a few more to round out the bunch and we are in love with them all! Howie Guja arrived for the canine playdate and photographed our neighborhood dogs and some beauties that are up for adoption. Please, always consider adopting a dog if you are looking for a new furry friend.


Hyla Frank Can Doodle a Dog and Turn it into Pillow Art