All tagged Happy Dog and Happy Human

One of my biggest mentors, both with cancer advice and with rescue admiration, is my cousin Kris. She is a cancer thriver, and wellness warrior, not to mention, compassionate and informative also. I couldn't help reach out to her to have her share her compelling story about Buddy, who she found in the woods with her husband Brian Fassett. I have to say the journey was one of my favorite Intsagram feeds ever!

Kyle Landman is a dear friend who I know through Maria Cornejo and Marysia Woroniecka. Here she tells of her dog, Michael, and the journey to adopting him!  "After being on the hunt for the “unicorn” of all dogs—a black, longhaired Brussels Griffon—my brother-in-law sent me a message with a picture of the cutest, bug-eyed, hairy fluff ball staring back at me. The message read: “This is Mikey. He needs a home, now. And a haircut.”

Gracie is a three year old Tennessee farm dog and if anything else, a survivor. She was found last winter, pregnant, wounded and in fear of everything. When her owner, Cori, rescued her from the shelter, she was undergoing treatment for heartworms and was scheduled to have her leg amputated. Cori decided against the amputation and took her to hydrotherapy. After having her for a month, Cori also realized that Gracie suffered from separation anxiety.

And so she tells her story:

"I had grown up with Wheaten Terriers, schnauzers and mutts. Once my family was ready for a dog, I was set on getting a wheaten terrier.  I refused to purchase a puppy from a store . I wanted a Wheaten rescue. I searched all day, all night on every possible site everyday; I checked non stop.  One Saturday night, after coming home from a party, I clicked onto petfinder at midnight and there staring back at me was HARRY. I couldn’t believe it. I called and left a message that night. I called the next morning, I said, “we must have him, please”, I called that afternoon, and again that night and then they told us one family was before us, but they promised, if it didn’t work out, he was ours. I assumed all was lost. Who wouldn’t want to keep him?  I moved on the next day, checking, looking on anything possible to find a wheaten, but kept thinking about Harry. Two days later the phone rang and it was the woman from the shelter, she said, “the family had cats and Harry doesn’t like cats, he’s yours if you want him?” I screamed! “We don’t have cats and YES, we want him!” We all jumped in the car and drove to Connecticut to pick him up. They were waiting outside with him. He was huge and beautiful and loving and lovely. Bringing home a trained dog was heaven. He needed love and we couldn't wait to give it to him. After a year, having always been raised with two dogs in the home, I was ready for a sister for Harry. We adopted Evie, our Whoodle (wheaten terrier/poodle mix). It’s been two years now, and I can't imagine waking up with out feeling them lying next to me on my bed. Rescue! Rescue! Rescue! It's so worth it.