All tagged Mrs. Sizzle dogs

IF you missed Frieze NY, fear not, Pickle is here to share her discoveries

You probably know me through my Instagram project @PickleBeholding. What you may not know is that I started the Instagram project because I work as a private art advisor for individuals and companies. In other words, I help people figure out what art to buy within their budget and taste. A lot of that work is taking away the stigmas and fears of feeling uneducated enough or not wealthy enough to appreciate and buy art. You don’t have to be super educated to appreciate contemporary art. Liking it is appreciating it, and if you like it enough to want to live with it, you should.


I have known this beauty since she was a wee one running up and down the beach in Tulum playing with her sister Kesewa and my daughter Sophie - spirited and carefree.  Life has certainly thrown this girl a few curveballs but it is with grace and determination that she emerged from a spell and has come through like a shiny golden star.  Founder of GURLS Talk, feminist crusader, actress, model and friend to many, Adwoa Aboah shares with us a few tidbits about her life and her dog, of course. Thank you to my sweet friend Tierney Gearon for these delicious pics.

Steven Rowley loves Dachshunds and his gal Tilda Swinton

I have a new friend.  My friend, Steven Rowley, has given me a gift: permission to laugh and cry and talk about the death of a loved one.  Lily and the Octopus (Simon & Shuster, June 2016) is a love story by Steven.  A love story you might ask…about an Octopus?  Well no, it’s a love story about a man and his dog who is succumbing to a cancerous tumor he has named The Octopus.  Is it sad?  Yes.  But it is so much more!  Steven makes it fun (at times laugh-out-loud funny) and a true celebration of life and the lengths we go to for our beloved dogs.

jesse freidin likes to look into dog's eyes

Jesse Friedin, photographer, animal lover and creator of meaningful projects is how I like to refer to him.  I met this ambitious man in San Francisco a few years ago while doing a job andsince that time I have watched his work blossom and wanted to share that you too could have a Jesse Friedin portrait of your dog should you so desire.  He shares with me his passion for pets and how he got into this business.

Mrs sizzle visits FAYE and stella Mcleod with photographer landon nordeman

I originally met Faye McLeod poolside at a friend’s house a few summers ago, fabulous but dog-less.  It wasn’t until recently that I discovered she had a dog, but not any dog, surely the best accessorized dog on the planet.  And it’s no small wonder that Stella, the mini Havapoo, is as such for her Mom is the visual image director of Louis Vuitton and travels the globe for her job.  During Faye’s inspired travels, she hits up the chicest dog spots around the world, so Mrs. Sizzle had to get the scoop on where the best products are found.  I spent a rainy afternoon with Faye and Landon Nordeman, fashion photographer, with Stella chasing avocados and other fuzzy wonders.

Mark Cohen's arresting work at Danziger Gallery with a few animals that Sizzle spotted

Working in the environs of his small town of Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania, Mark Cohen shows that you don't have to travel far to unleash a distinctive photographic vision.  Cohen got closer to his subjects and looked more closely at the texture of the world around him than anyone shooting on the street had before and went on to influence countless photographers and the way we see the world. Come join us at Danziger Gallery to see this wonderful work on May 10th.

Chloe the mini frenchie is having the time of her life

As it seems with all my new friends these days, I met this incredible woman and her dog on INSTAGRAM.  Seeing that it has now become an Olympic sport for me, it’s no surprise that the cute feed of @CHLOETHEMINIFRENCHIE became a regular in mine.  We met for the first time during an April Fool's shoot for Barneys and later followed up at various dog centric functions.  NO WONDER this dog has so many followers - she is cute as a button, and, as I have shared with her Mom, if the dog is missing, please come looking at my house! Amy Lombard came along for my playdate with Chloe!

Ann DeVito has a way with illustrating dogs

Anne DeVito loves dogs.  So much so that she recently had a book come out called DOG LOVE, published by Penguin Books, that features different breeds of dogs.  It was with great pleasure that I received this delightful book and a surprise piece of art for my very own of the Sizzle sisters!  It inspired me to reach out to this wonderful artist and toss her names of a few of my favorite instagram accounts that highlight dogs, to inspire some new illustrations!


Sometimes good things do come in three’s. We here at Mrs. Sizzle are giving an ode to the original color triad that started it all: red, yellow, and blue-the primary colors. With so many primary choices, we’ve rounded up some gifts that puppy will love, and don’t worry, some goodies for you as well. Bonus points for matching!


There is nothing I love more than friends reaching out to me with their rescue stories.  Not only does it give me great joy, but it is the most aspirational way to reconnect with old friends and colleagues and share about our commonality - LOVE FOR ANIMALS. SO, it was with great pleasure that I heard from friend and photographer Melanie Acevedo who wanted to share her pics and story about her dogs and their role in the home.