All tagged rescue story

As with many modern-day romances, my husband and I first met Merle online. We were scrolling through Petfinder, and came across a photo of a dumpling-shaped, impossibly adorable puppy named Limo. A few emails later, we learned Limo was unavailable, but that he had a brother named Charlos.

We rescued Ollie from the North Central Animal Shelter In Los Angeles, CA.  He was brought in as a stray at the estimated age of 3/4months.  When we met him, he simply walked over to the front of his cage and gently kissed our hands, and we knew we couldn't leave without him.
Shy and a bit skittish as a puppy, Ollie has blossomed into a wonderful adventurer and companion.

Richard Phibbs is at it again! He and the Humane Society of New York, under the brilliant direction of Sandra DeFeo, worked tirelessly with a team of people to get these beauties photographed so they might have a better chance of being adopted.  All were photographed at the Humane Society on September 10th, and each and every one of them is looking for a forever home.  If you are interested in any of these pets please email Sandra.

My girlfriend, Sammy, and I were not sure if we were ready for a new dog after the death of our beloved dog, Edith Piaf. We went to an adoption fair from a wonderful rescue group in LA called Dogs Without Borders. We were very sad, and not sure if we were ready to bring another animal into our world… until we saw her.

Moira McLaughlin is here to tell us how her gorgeous little rescue guy changed her life! "When Darby, my 17-year-old Longhaired Dachshund, died in 2011, I unravelled.  He was my muse and partner, the inspiration for my blog Dog Art Today and my lifeline to normalcy after losing everything to fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue ten years earlier.  My grief terrified me.  I knew that I needed a dog, my mental and physical health depended on it, but I couldn’t conceive how I would ever find one.  Every single person that I confided my fears to answered me with the same three words, “You will know.”


When I was about six, my parents, in a well-intentioned but misguided parenting gesture, brought home an adorable Sealyham terrier, named him "Chester," and then stood back and waited for a bond to form between us.  But it turned out that Chester was even less interested in me than I was in him.  He poured all of his considerable energy into getting as filthy as possible at every opportunity, and I preferred playing with insects, so we tacitly agreed to ignore each other for the duration of his stay.  Indeed, I hardly noticed when he was shipped off to a farm (yes, a real farm) less than six months later.  I felt no sadness at Chester’s departure and I certainly didn't miss him, but every so often it would cross my mind that he was once our dog.  Then I would picture him happily chasing livestock and rolling in a pigsty somewhere and think he was well out of it.

Patricia and Gerry, her husband, live in my building in midtown.  I often see them walking their two lovely dogs on 57th Street.  When I told Pat of my new venture she was eager to share her many stories about all the beautiful dogs they have had in their lives.  Here is what she tells of her darling two dogs that she has now, "We met Lola, our twelve year old Cockapoo, when she was three year old. We discovered her at adoption day in Central Park hosted by Animal Care and Control in the summer of 2005.